Glamour shoes
Reason for sale: money needed for physiotherapy
Ginger cat
One careful lady owner
£5 ONO
Reason for sale: Defective rodent catcher. Brings live mice into the house and hides them. Bites when bored.
Tortoiseshell cat
Gentle and loving nature except to birds. And frogs.
£672 ONO
Reason for sale: Defective cat. Need to recoup vet's bills.
We accept PayBuddy PayChum PayFriend and FacePayFor all enquiries contact
I want all three please, thank you!!! I have cash or as my bank manager calls them - monopoly money! :-)
Take care
Sorry, Kitty, no cash. Only our ulta-secure online payment systems.
I will buy the 'careful lady owner' for £5
The rest of her life will be very interesting... ;-)
Richard, what a delightful take you do have on things. I can't stop laughing.
That shoe looks like a novelty inhaler.
Whirl, I don't fancy sniffing anything that someone's foot has been in!
Loved this, I would like to buy them all!
Brigid, they look cute...
You may keep the cats, I have a very old defective one already but I sure do love those shoes! Bunions, be damned!
nitebyrd, the shoes are gorgeous but I have a confession - they're not really mine. I pinched the picture off the internet. I do think they're amazing though.
Well I am allergic to cats so I will pass on them, but the shoes.....oh la la!
Ann, those shoes are really something, I agree!
Donating to pscychotherapy sounds so much better that shoe shopping! Like the shoes!
The ginger cat looks like it would have some lovely marbling and be quite tasty. Do you ship it whole or in cutlets?
(I'm doing Rabbit Hole comments rather than posts today...)
Niamh, I was thinking more of physiotherapy for sore ankles! I don't think I could get three yards in those shoes!
Phoenix, you're evil! He's only available for rodent control, and only if you like more rodents not fewer.
Any possibility of aiming the ginger's boredom? For example, if I intone, "You bore me," and flutter a finger at someone, will the cat attack?
If so, this could be very useful to me.
Have they taken their revenge yet for being put up for sale?
jj, a trained attack cat? Now there's a good idea!
Peter, one of them threw up on the doormat yesterday so I guess the answer is yes!
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