I'm a geek. Or is it a nerd?
I'm not sure which but I designed the above spreadsheet to keep track of my Nano progress. It shows total words, how far I am from the 1667 a day that will get me through, how far I am from the 2000 a day (but with days-off built in) that will get me an early ending and what my daily word count is. It also has a total word count chart and a daily word count chart.
All you have to do is put in your total word count for the day and it does all the rest for you. I didn't make the spreadsheet this year, I've been using it for a while.
Which is worse: being a nerd or a geek?
Two words: writing avoidance
Have fun with the geekery, though.
How could you, ww? I'm not avoiding writing. It's just amazing the number of highly pressing things I have to do that don't involve me actually, well, writing.
It's all essential to the story though.
you're a geek because you blogged about it.
I was bored.
I think it's geek not nerd. And Writing Avoidance. And looking very cool. Is it bad that I want one even though I'm not even DOING nano?
Writing avoidance? Pshaw! It's carrying out essential tasks, that's what it is.
If you want a copy I can email it to you. I can even customise it. Go on, you know you want one.
oh no - I'd much rather lose 3 days trying to recreate exactly the same thing ;)
Hehe. Geeks of the world, unite!
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