Monday, August 27, 2012

Things to do when you're bored

1. Crochet a Happy Bunny

(Much more fun than clearing out the spare room. Or any of the other rooms where the clutter nearly reaches the ceiling!)


Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwwwwww! He is adorable!! Awwww what a happy bunny for Monday! Yay! Take care

MorningAJ said...

Agreed - much better than tidying!

Whirlochre said...

The cuteness of an amputee lapin!

fairyhedgehog said...

Thanks, Kitty. I hope you had a happy day!

MAJ, most things are better than tidying! (No wonder our house is a mess.)

Whirl, he was born that way! No legs have been removed.

Mother (Re)produces. said...

Are you going to make a survey like with the pain relief and see what brings the most happy? What else is in the running?

I love the fluffy tail :)

fairyhedgehog said...

M(R)p, Now that's a good idea! I just need to get back into my blogging groove.

Work starts again next week, so the blog may go dark for a while. I don't want to go back!

Simon Kewin said...

It's very fine indeed - but I think I've added "crocheting a bunny" to my big list of things I know I'll never do before I die...

fairyhedgehog said...

Simon, you never know. I'll be looking out on your blog now for when you confess to crocheting a bunny when you should have been writing.

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