In other news, I'm off to Ireland on Saturday so I may not be around much because I'll be packing, or trying to. CFS and packing aren't a good mix. Plus the washing machine chose to break down last Friday and it's not likely to be fixed before we go. It needs an "unusual part". I'd like to tell Hotpoint where to put their unusual part but I shan't in case I get them annoyed enough to make me wait even longer!
We won't have internet access on holiday. Oh noes! So I shall be away from you for two whole weeks. I'll try not to cry but it will be a close thing.
Sorry for the lack of pictures but Blogger is being naughty. If it carries on then I'm off to my blog at Wordpress. I'll let you know if I go so you can come too! (Edited to add: I've found how to go back to the old editor. It works after a fashion.)
Have a great time. No internet access for two weeks? Wow.
Thanks, Simon!
I paid an extra £5 a month to get internet access for my phone - then found that in Ireland it will cost me £1.25 per Mg. How I know how much a Mg is I don't know! I'm hoping for an internet café. Otherwise I may just wither away over the two weeks.
Have a good time. Sometimes lack of Internet access can be refreshing, but we'll miss you!
Congratulations!!!!!Yay!! What fab prizes too!
And have a lovely lovely time in Ireland!! Enjoy the peace and quiet! :-)
Take care
stacy, thanks! I do love the internet, because I'm still not well enough to get out and about like I'd like to. If I'm just pottering around, it gives me company.
Kitty, thank you! I'll do my best to enjoy myself. If I can just get there in one piece!
Have a great time! We'll miss you too...
Thanks, sylvia. Two weeks is a long time to be gone!
It will be nice to be with the family though.
Have fun and congrats on winning!
Talli, thank you and thank you!
Can I recommend Launcelot Gobbo from The Merchant of Venice?
It's an unusual part I'm sure your ailing Hotpoint could play very well indeed.
Meanwhile — congratulations, and enjoy Ireland. May you feat on sumptuous fayre and fine wines, serenaded by a barber shop quintet of yodelling leprechauns.
The unusual part my Hotpoint could play best is the stone that Excalibur was thrust into.
I'll do my best with the sumptuous feasting! Thanks Whirl.
Fabulous! I love Ireland, and I know you'll have a great time. Where? North? South? County Louth? A rhyme! A rhyme! If you don't get internet access, maybe we'll hold a limerick contest in your comment trail!
Have a nice holiday!
MRp, We're going to have a week in Rosslare, then spend a week in Kinsale in County Cork.
Feel free to hold a limerick contest! I could do with someone to moderate comments for me to keep out spam, though. Do you fancy the job?
Congratulations on your win, and hope you have a lovely holiday :)
Silentvoice, many thanks!
You will enjoy the book! Congrats on winning. Nothing better than books but FREE books, and free bling comes in a very close second. ;)
ww, free books are great! I expect the bling will come while I'm away so I hope the Post Office is sensible about it!
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