Woohoo! Children are allowed in.
But they'll have trouble reading the blog.
At least there is no "cussing". Which is odd. I wonder what counts as cussing around here? I seem to remember some strong language in here in an earlier post. Maybe their definition of cussing is different. I'd love to know what it is.
Ha! I like how your cussing percentage is 0%, but the dial still isn't down into the "Darnit" range. Wonder what you have to do for that.
Well, looks like I've got some catching up to do, girl. Mine only reads at Junior High level- I was shocked, actually!
Those quiz-tests of BT's were fun, huh?
blogless troll: I hadn't spotted that. Given I've talked about "fuck" rather a lot of times in here, I wonder if it's the quotation marks that somehow means it doesn't count. As to why the dial doesn't change settings, well what do robots know about cussing?
robin: I always thought that simpler was better. I'd love to know how they quantify it.
Given the number of times I don't use the quotation marks I'm astonished that I scored 0.4%.
I feel all virtuous now.
I didn't notice any obvious strong language in your blogs, although I suppose The Rev. Ignatius Pubes is a rather interesting title for one of them! Maybe I need to take a closer look.
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