It's a strange feeling reading a book by someone that I've met online - although I'm not sure which of my friends on the various writing sites sent me off to look at Stacia's book. Maybe I found it on her blog.
Stacia's website lets you read the first chapter, which really helps me to decide if I want to buy a book or not. I'm glad that amazon often includes a 'Search Inside' feature now, even if I do sometimes have to go to the US site to see it.
So far I'm enjoying the book, although I'm not entirely convinced by the counselor in it. Maybe counselling practices are different in the US. At any rate, it looks like being a lot of fun.
I just ordered at the weekend it but chose slow shipping so it'll be a while. We can compare notes :)
I've just finished it, so I look forward to comparing notes with you :)
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