Thursday, November 20, 2014
Going Backwards
I am the proud owner of 23,000 words of original writing. (Well, not very original writing but I wrote it all myself!) That makes me 10,000 words behind my goal for today.
Yesterday I cut 7,000 words from my story. It was going in the wrong direction and I wasn't liking it. I could see where I'd taken a wrong turning, so I went back to that point and put the 7k words that came next into an "out takes" document. That was less painful than screwing them up and putting them in the bin.
I need to write 2,500 words a day now if I want to get to 50k by the end of November. I don't think I'm going to make it, but at least what I'll have written will be something I'll like. Or I can hope so anyway.
Keep it up. Even if you don't reach 50,000 by Nov 30 you will have reached some milestone, and it'll be a lot further on than you were. And the edited out bit will do for next year!
I'll certainly have a story that I wouldn't have had otherwise!
I think the out takes will just end up as writing practice - but that's never a bad thing either.
It's a pain when one has to do that, but the book always ends up better for it. I too keep my out takes, just in case there's a word or two of particularly fine description I can salvage...
Keep the fingers twinkling over the keys, FH.
I feel pleased that I had the courage to discard so much in search of a better story.
I'll try to keep my fingers, twinkling, Lexi!
I'm a bit late to this, but keep going! Murder those darlings and create some better ones...
The ones I murdered weren't very darling!
I'm a bit stuck now but at least I'm not going off at a tangent. I seem to be spending time learning Mandarin Chinese instead. Procrastination is a wonderful thing.
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