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Pattern thanks to Attic24 |
I haven't been writing. I think I needed a break - writing was beginning to seem like work and crochet is play.
Do you ever need a break from writing, or from whatever you mostly do?
Edited to add: here's a picture of the shawl at Bab's request:
Pattern thanks to Lion Brand |
Heh, writing is my break from what I mostly do ;-) Though sometimes I need a break from that too, then I watch movies or play games.
I sometimes need a break from a particular thing I'm writing, if it's starting to seem like a chore. But I generally find writing something else is enough of a break for me.
Request from Babs - do you have a picture of the shawl?
She's just finished a lovely snow-white baby-blanket for one of the local hairdressers who's just about to pop - but is now cursing because she forgot to take a photograph before she gave it to them...
If you're feeling brave you could always suggest she makes another. >;-)
Adam, writing used to be a gentle hobby but I seem to have got too tied up in writing well and writing for publication and it's lost the fun. I guess you're so busy with everything else that it comes as a welcome relief!
Simon, thank you. You certainly write a huge variety of different types of story and you seem to be on top form at the moment, so I can see how switching between stories would give you a break.
Richard, I've uploaded the shawl picture to the main post for Babs. I just wanted to use up some mohair I'd bought cheap from ebay. If you click on the link you can see all my other projects too!
I wish I could see the blanket Babs made - was it crochet or knit? It's a pity about the photo but I have no intention of taking my life in my hands!
Such lovely pieces!
When I bought my farm a few years ago and wasn't writing, I went crazy and painted murals on the chicken coops, on the goat shed, and even on the deck in front of a shed. The creative part demands to be kept active, I think, and IT doesn't care how that manifests itself: in writing, painting, building things (don't get me started on all the projects I've done in THAT regard around the place), or crocheting.
I stopped painting when I started writing again. I'd love to find a balance where I can do it all, but my creative side apparently doesn't like to multi-task.
Phoenix, thank you. Do you have pictures of the murals? I think my creative side doesn't like multi tasking either and I'm really needing to give my brain a rest.
There are a couple of pics of the murals at this post.
(Mind you, I never claimed to be good at mural-making.)
Hi there,
Looks like you have some mighty fine positive distractions.
I think a break away from writing can be very good. Especially if one feels pressure when they are writing. I know I only write when I feel like it and that works very well for me:)
Hope you have a most peaceful weekend.
In kindness, Gary :)
Phoenix, those are beautiful!
Gary, thank you for your kind thoughts and I hope you have a peaceful weekend too.
Lovely and talented fairyhedgehog!!! I really must join ravelry so I can gaze in AWE at your amazing crochet pieces!! The ones shown here are BRILLIANT!!! And crocheting too!! Wonderful!!!!
I truly think you have to be in the right frame of mind and spirit to be able to be creative - whether painting or writing or whatever! I think you have to feel inspired. I think if you force yourself, whatever piece you are creating will suffer. That's how I see it anyway!!!
Enjoy your crocheting!! I look forward to seeing more fabulous pics of your pieces here!! Yay!! Take care
Kitty, you're always so lovely! Thank you for your very kind words.
I think you're right about being in the mood. Taking a break from writing has helped a lot. I started thinking about going back to my sci fi story and bringing some crochet into it! That story is going to be nearly as good as Atlanta Nights!
I am sorely tempted to take up crochet after seeing all your lovely creations. I learned how in school but only basics (I made a lot of scarves because they were straight across) and I'd have to learn how to read patterns. And sit still without a keyboard in my hands!
But I love what you've made, I'm jealous.
That rainbow bird is gorgeous. I knit or swe when I take a break from writing. I like to have busy hands I guess.
Sylvia, I got put off a lot of things that I learnt at school! Luckily they didn't teach us crochet and I learnt at home. Thanks for your kind words.
DJ, thanks! I'd be interested to see what you make.
Loving the pretty bird! And I'm awful partial to a nice bankie.
Thanks, McK! I was going to give the blankie to my nearly-daughter-in-law but apparently it's a bit itchy!
I just got a spam comment on this post come to my email box as if it had been published, although in fact Blogger had sent it to the comment-spam folder.
Did anyone else see it or was it just me? I'm hoping you're not all getting inundated with spam; if you are I'll need to moderate comments.
I saw it. I'm glad Blogger trapped it as spam (it appears to have gone through and retroactively been removed) but it was amusing.
Sylvia, thanks for letting me know. If it happens again I'll have to moderate comments. I'm getting this spam on a lot of old comments but no one else should see that because I moderate the old posts. I like to make it easy for friends to comment but spam gets very annoying when there's a lot of it!
I got it in my email, as well. Not being aware it was spam and thinking it a legitimate call to action, I was preparing ways to boycott myself. I intended some rather harsh embargoes and slogans for my picket signs, so thank you for letting us know so quickly this did not, in fact, originate with you or any of your friends.
Phoenix, well that was in the nick of time then! I'm glad you're not going to feel compelled to boycott yourself as that might be very tricky to achieve.
I love the bird. I find knitting/crocheting a good distraction from writing, though addictive. The break makes me see my ideas in a new light.
Debbie, thank you! I hope that will happen for me.
I'm still following I AM SWAN but I don't always have something to say. I love how you're telling those stories.
Thanks for posting the shawl for Babs... it's cool. :-)
Strange how a break from one creative avenue makes you enjoy it so much more when you come back to it.
I bought another organ after several years break playing piano and I sounded terrible to begin with as it's a totally different technique - a bit like knitting and crochet - but as soon as my 'autopilot' kicked back in I'm playing as well now as I ever did and I've only had it 3 weeks.
And it's fun again. :-)
Richard, the organ sounds like such fun! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Oh! Pretty, Prickles!
I know what you mean. Used to be art (painting, printmaking, whatever) in the fall and writing in the spring. Now I'm all over the place. Knitting is art, though. Sometimes the mind can grind things over without the pressure of the pen in hand to advantage, if you know what I mean, and you get two birds with one stone that way.
MRp, some people seem to be able to keep at the writing all the time but that just isn't me, or you from the sound of it!
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