Rufus had a cut on his neck (probably a bite from his sister) and because he kept scratching it it is now a sore place. We've been to the vets four times now and have an appointment again tomorrow - that cat is costing us a fortune.
Aw. Poor darling. I know what you mean though. My beagle is in the hospital as he had a mass removed from his liver. Suffice it to say the holiday in Hawaii I had planned for my mom's 70th birthday and my brother's 50th birthday is now going towards the vet's mortgage.
Aw. Poor darling. I know what you mean though. My beagle is in the hospital as he had a mass removed from his liver. Suffice it to say the holiday in Hawaii I had planned for my mom's 70th birthday and my brother's 50th birthday is now going towards the vet's mortgage.
Hope little kitten is doing better soon!
Thanks, Sarah. We're not going through anything half as bad as you are with your beagle. I do hope he gets better soon.
Oh, poor kitty with the sad bandages! Hope he heals up soon.
Thanks, Mary. He really doesn't like having his foot bandaged because it stops him from climbing.
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